
Parenting By Numbers: T1 Kids Take Over the Slopes

As a diabetes mom, letting go is not easy, even for a short time. The thing about Type 1 is that it’s always on, so you usually can’t catch a break. And you certainly don’t let your guard down when your child is doing something active and lows are likely. That makes our family’s experience with the Riding on Insulin (ROI) winter sports camp in Breckenridge, Colorado all the more unforgettable. Not only was it a great experience for our T1 daughter, but it was a great solo experience for her.

Since Lela’s T1 diagnosis 5 years ago, my husband and I have been a fixture on the sidelines during her sports activities, ready to help. Although we’ve briefed all her instructors over the years about her condition, we don’t expect them to be able to monitor Lela for symptoms of hypoglycemia while teaching a dozen other kids, too. So we’ve peeked through the window at ballet classes, waited poolside during swim lessons and strained our neck watching Lela scale the climbing wall, ready to tell the instructor who belayed her to abseil her at the first sign of dizziness.

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